Antigua News and Events
CK 6640 Leadership and Performance Management for Regional Airline Managers and Mid-level Managers
This was an excellent training program that will help me to improve my time management skills. It will definitely enhance my effectiveness, as well as those of my employees. I also believe that for everyone who aspires to become a manager/supervisor, they should have the opportunity to attend this program.
Derrick Christopher, Maintenance Control Engineer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This training program was very informative, and the instructor was very good in explaining the different topics. It will enable me to manage my time, as well as my communication skills.
Josse Mesmin, Country Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
All subject areas were valuable, although some more than others. This observation is based solely on previous training in management. It was very well-presented, and very much needed in the organization. So, the course was very good, timely and much needed.
Curtis V. Edwards, Chief Information Officer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The topics discussed on meetings, empowerment of employees, motivation and recognition, are areas that are visibly lacking in my department. I will try to foster teambuilding in my employees, and implement some of the other ideas, which I feel will add value to the staff members. I would recommend this program because it will help me both personally and professionally to become a better manager and at the same time, build a more effective team. The instructor’s teaching style was very effective, and his use of real-life examples were very effective.
Lavraine Elvin, Supervisor, Banking & Payroll, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I wouldn’t change anything about this program, it was all good. I definitely would attend other training by this instructor, because his teaching style is the best I have ever had!
Troy R. Bailey, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This program has provided some useful tools in some key aspects of managing employees performance. Reward and recognition are useful techniques to use to motivate my staff. The instructor connected well with his audience, and he was able to hold the attention of the group. He also used real-life examples that we all could connect with.
Oliver Haywood, Regional Customer Service & Ground Operations Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Open and honest communication with staff members is key to gaining trust with staff members. The information I receive will help me to fine-tune my managerial abilities. This training was a very comprehensive and relevant program. It is perfectly designed to mold and equip most managers.
The instructor was well-suited to teaching this program. I was very engaged throughout the entire training program.
David Isaac, Country Manager, North, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The program was not only informative, but it provoked various questions on how managers, should manage and impact the staff they supervise. The program, in many cases, introduced and clarified some methodologies I currently use. The knowledge I gained will not only help me to be more effective but will help me to create a better work environment for the staff members under my care.
The instructor, I could tell, is a highly motivated person and displayed a genuine love for the skills he possesses. He easily motivated not only me but other participants in the program. I would be honored to attend further training with this instructor.
Kareen Barnett, Duty Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I would like to recommend that others in the organization be allowed to attend this training program. I received many valuable tips and techniques that will enable me to be a better manager or leader. It has equipped me with many skills and vital knowledge that I can and will implement in my department. This program was very timely and well-developed course that covers current issues and problems encountered in the workplace on a daily basis.
The instructor was clear, honest, and factual. His method catered for person who have different ways of learning, whether through written and/or visual presentations, which made it easy to understand.
Maureen Edwards, Lease Return Supervisor, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The training manual was very comprehensive, and every area covers every aspect of management that I may encounter. I will be able to utilize the techniques to better manage my time, and thereby allowed me to focus and develop the other areas of my work. Overall, I now have a wealth of knowledge to reference and use to improve my performance and the performance of those whom I manage.
The instructor was clear in his delivery. He has a lot of knowledge and a great grasp of the subject areas taught.
Winston O. Walton, Country Manager – Guyana, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Leadership, traits of different leaders, coaching and time management, were significant areas of the program that was significant to me. The training was quite effective and the knowledge I gained could be applied in my office.
The instructor was dynamic and was able to capture everyone’s attention and engaged everyone fully.
Alecia Facey, Revenue Accounts Supervisor, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I picked up some very valuable tips and techniques to use in coaching. This topic of discussion will help me to identify ways in which I can use it to empower my staff to increase their productivity and efficiency. I intend to implement many of the processes that were taught to me, for example, staff recognition and empowerment of my employees.
The training was very interactive, and the instructor guided us by introducing many fine examples that borne out the topic being discussed.
Tedtasha Bridges, Revenue Accounts Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This course has made me become more aware of the deficiencies in my personal and interpersonal habits which impedes one from being an effective and efficient team leader. I definitely will be working on my communication and leadership skills. Many persons lack the skills needed to be effective managers and supervisors due to a lack of training.
The instructor was very enthusiastic, full of energy, and very knowledgeable, and skilled in getting points across by using practical examples and illustrations.
I would very much love to attend other training programs taught by this instructor. There is so much to learn and feel empowered by being trained by a professional who is so skilled.
Deborah James, Procurement Officer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The time management aspect of this training program had many excellent tips on how I can better manage my time and resources. The training itself was very informative, educational, relevant and applicable to our organization – there was a lot to learn and re-learn! I plan to work on changing the way I approach certain tasks and be more aware of how I manage my time. I would highly recommend that the executives and human resources personnel be exposed to this training program.
Lennie Quashie, Security Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Of most value to me, were the real-life examples that the instructor used to provide greater understanding of the topics. The course was very informative, and it provided me with vital tools needed by a manager or supervisor.
The information and tips garnered from this program will be used to improve the way I operate as a manager. For example, I am now more aware of how I can give constructive feedback to my staff.
Lois Hughes-Grant, Manager, Financial Accounting Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I really enjoyed this training program. All the information was valuable and will prove very useful in the future. The tools from a program such as this, can be used to assist front-line managers to know what is expected of them and provide guidance as to how to deal with situations that may arise.
Also, it opened my eyes to tasks I could be doing better to improve my effectiveness in the workplace.
The instructor was very knowledgeable and very dynamic. He kept my attention at all times. He had a very good command of time management.
Nicholas Byron, Maintenance Coordinator, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This was an excellent training program that will help LIAT to grow. It will help our employees to be more productive, create better work environments and a more nurturing culture. I learned several techniques to make me more efficient and productive with my everyday tasks through the use of ABC trays and productivity log. I will also utilize team assessment techniques to determine how I can improve my weak areas and manage my team in a more effective way.
The instructor was excellent. He has a unique style of infusing humor which draws in the audience. I would attend other training programs conducted by this instructor because of the instructor’s knowledge of the subject taught, and the ability to engage participants in a unified way.
Sonya John, Executive Manager, Airports and customer Service, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I would recommend this training program as it will equip others with personal development in the areas of leadership and ways to achieve maximum productivity from employees. I intend to work on my weak areas to improve the effectiveness of my department. I would attend further training programs with this instructor because of the quality and quantity of information given throughout this training program.
Juliet LaBennett, Publications Supervisor, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
It is my belief that anyone who aspires to become a manger or supervisor should attend this training program that will enhance his or her productivity. I will need to improve my time management skills, and keeping a “to-do-list,” is one way in which can keep me on track.
The training was excellent; instructor was dynamic too.
Derrick Christopher, Maintenance E-Control Engineer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked this training program because it was very informative, and the instructor was very good at explaining the different topics. The topics on conducting meetings, and time management will help me improve my communications with staff members.
Josse Mesmin, Country Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
All the subject areas were valuable, although some more valuable than others, but this is based solely on my previous training in management.
The course was very interesting, well-presented and much needed by top managers in the company. Although I am a trained manager, the practical examples given, were very useful and profound. As mentioned, the course was very good, timely, and very much needed at Liat!
Curtis V. Edwards, Chief Information Officer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The topics on meetings, empowerment of staff, motivation, and recognition were the topics discussed that were of most significance to me. These are visibly lacking in my department. By implementing some of these programs, I feel it can add value in the development of staff, which in turn, will help me to become an effective leader. The program was very informative and interesting; and I would recommend it because it helps you to develop one’s self both personally and professionally. The program has helped me to look at the effectiveness of my management skills and abilities and has empowered me to develop more creative ways to improve my leadership skills.
The instructor’s teaching style was very effective, and his use of real-life examples was very effective.
Lavraine Elvin, Supervisor, Banking & Payroll, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
There was no part of this training program that I would change. The course and the instructor’s presentation skills rival that of no other trainer I have ever had!
Troy R. Bailey, Manager & QuickPak, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Rewards and recognition of staff is a technique I learned in this training program. It is a good method to motivate and empower staff members. The course, if nothing else, brings certain managing styles and practice to the forefront to improve one’s self. The program has provided me with some useful tools in some key areas of managing and managing employees’ performance.
Also, the instructor was able to keep our attention. His style connects with his audience and kept the attention of the group with real-life examples that one can identify with.
Oliver Haywood, Regional Customer Service & Grounds Operations Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This course was very comprehensive and relevant, pragmatic and perfectly designed to mold great managers. The instructor was the best fit for this program, and I felt engaged for the duration.
David Isaac, Regional Manager North, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The program in many cases, introduced and clarified some methodologies that I currently use. It also reminded me of ways in which I manage more effectively and create a better work environment for staff whom I supervise. The training program was not only informative, but it provoked various questions on how managers not only manage but have such a great impact on employees and productivity. The training was very well-deliverd, and very professionally done, in such a manner that it did not cause anyone to feel bored or isolated, as was always the case in past training sessions.
The instructor was very candid and very relatable, and clearly has had an extensive database of knowledge which gave greater impact to his method of teaching. The instructor is highly motivated person and displayed a love for the skills he possesses. He easily motivated me, and other participants during the training. I would be honored to attend further training with him.
Kareen Barnett, Duty Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
My personal best from this training program was the topic on empowerment and ways to encourage growth and success of staff. I would recommend this course to others because it has many valuable tips, ways and methods to become the type of manager or leader one should aspire to be.
This program has equipped me with many skills and vital knowledge that I can and will use in my everyday work activities. It also highlighted many weak areas that I must improve upon through consistent practice. The program was timely, well- developed and covers current problems and issues within the workplace.
The instructor was clear, honest and factual. His method caters to persons who have different ways of learning either through written or visual presentation that makes it easy to understand. I would attend further training with this instructor for reasons mentioned before.
Maureen Edwards, Lease-Return Supervisor, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I like the concept of time management, as this area for me needs lots of improvement. The program was very comprehensive and there was more than sufficient material to cover every aspect of management, I can now utilize the techniques to better manage my time, thereby allowing me to focus and develop other areas of my work. Overall, I now have a body of knowledge to reference and use to improve my performance, and that of those I manage.
The Instructor was able to utilize both international and local (Caribbean) examples to make his points resonate. Also, the instructor was clear in his delivery He has great knowledge/command of the subject areas and he used the appropriate examples to make his points.
Winston Orin Walton, Country Manager, Guyana, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The instructor identified different traits and styles of a leader. Time is money, so I need to do some work in this area. Leadership is vital in coaching staff members to do their very best. The course was very informative and relevant to current concerns in the workplace. I will be able to implement some changes within myself and that of my staff. The training allowed me to identify weaknesses and strengths within my department.
The Instructor was dynamic. He was able to capture everyone’s attention and engaged all the participates fully. I feel he was very impactful and learned a lot from him.
Alecia Facey, Revenue Accounts Supervisor, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Coaching was the area that was of most significance to me, as it is an area that I feel that I fall short, and this is affecting productivity within my department.
Managers and supervisors always need refresher courses as they relate to the skills needed to be a good manager and leader. I intend to immediately implement some of the processes that were taught in this course, by having monthly meetings with the entire general staff, and developing and implementing some type of recognition program to acknowledge the staff members who are deserving of such.
I liked this training program because it was very interactive, and the instructor was able to guide us with current examples in the workplace.
Tedtasha Bridges, Revenue Accounts Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Communication and leadership skills are needed traits for effective supervisors and managers but are lacking in my organization. This program has made me more aware of the deficiencies in both interpersonal and personal habits which impede one from being an effective and efficient team leader. Example: in the areas of communication, motivation, coaching and conflict resolution.
The instructor was very enthusiastic, full of energy, very knowledgeable, and very skilled in getting points across through the use of practical examples and illustrations. His energy was very useful in getting one to see the need to use what has been learned in the course. I would very much love to attend more courses with this instructor. There is so much to learn when one is empowered by being trained by professional and knowledgeable instructor.
Deborah James, Procurement Officer, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
Time management was my favorite part of this training program because of the excellent tips shared on how to better manage time. The course was very informative, educational, relevant and applicable to most company/organization. It was a lot to learn. I will certainly change the way I do/approach certain tasks, now that I have a better assessment of my management and leadership style, which makes me want to listen and communicate more. I would highly recommend that the executive and human resources personnel be exposed to this training.
I love the instructor’s variation and tone in the delivery of the course. His knowledge of the subject areas and years of experience were remarkable.
Lennie B. Quashie, Security Manager, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The area that was of most valuable to me were the real-life examples that the instructor used to provide greater understanding of the topics. The program was very informative and provided vital tools needed by any manager or supervisor. The information and tips garnered from this program will be used to improve the way I operate as a manager. For example, I am now aware of how I can improve the method I used to convey constructive criticism to my staff.
I would attend further training programs with this instructor because he has lots of experience and is quite knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics.
Lois Hughes-Grant, Manager Financial Management Accounting, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I enjoyed the program. All the information provided were valuable and will prove to be useful to me in the future. The tools from a program like this can be used to assist front-line managers know what is expected of him or her. It provides tools or guidance on how to deal with any situations that may arise. The program opened my eyes to things that I could be doing better. I am going to implement some of the ideas that will improve and make the workplace more efficient.
The instructor was very knowledgeable, and he was able to keep my attention at all times. He has a very good command of time management.
Nicholas Byron, Maintenance Coordinator, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The information that was provided was straight-forward, organized and focused on much-needed management skills. The instructor was knowledgeable, focused and professional.
Sadie Boneta Rittenhouse, ANU/Revenue, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I especially liked how the instructor simplified the topics covered into practical examples so that everyone could understand. He also allowed open dialogue and we were able to share our experiences. It is my hope that this type of course would be ongoing, and that a modified version would be offered to the general staff on topics such as teamwork, conflict resolution and communication.
Shelly Watson, ANU/Revenue, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
There is a need for proper and effective communications to having meetings to keep employees updated on what is happening in the company. I also learned techniques to conduct employee performance appraisals.
Chane Thomas, Customer Relations, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The course was very informative. The facilitator delivered the topics in a straight-forward, professional and effective manner. Being the recipient of a leadership and managing employee performance training would not automatically change us. We the participants would now have to go back to our departments and implement the various aspects of the training. We have to choose to change, so that we be more effective in our jobs.
Name Withheld, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This program was very interactive and down-to-earth. I am glad that I was able to attend this course as some of the situations discussed were almost identical to those on the job.
Name Withheld, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The course was very interactive. The videos shown, gave the advantage of seeing the theories expressed in a practical and real-life sense. Thank you for this opportunity!
Shereese Thomas, ANU/Revenue, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked the way the instructor delivered the presentation of the topics and the way he used real-life situations and examples to make his points come across more clearly.
As a first-time supervisor, I was always of the opinion that I wasn’t fully equipped to manage or supervise others. I now have a better understanding of how to deal with many aspects of my role as a supervisor. I am a “little” more confident. With more training such as this one, I would welcome another opportunity that would allow to move from a “little” better to “more” confident
Arthur Tuitt, ANU/Stores, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The course was very informative. It provided information necessary for persons in a leadership position. I would love to attend refresher programs on the topics covered in this training.
Name Withheld, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This program was very educational; the facilitator knows his work!
George Bell, ANU/Revenue, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked that the instructor used real-life scenarios to demonstrate how we “marry” theory/practical ideas in our roles of managers and supervisors. I was pleased to be able to be a part of this training program.
Raymond Warrington, DOM/Administration, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked that the presenter did an excellent job on all the topics covered. He was able to show simple examples on the topics . I hope that there will be follow-up training for other middle management staff members.
Patricia Dowden, Coordinator, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked the in-depth materials provided. Thought the facilitator really knew his stuff!
Vivienne Michael, Finance, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked the way the class was presented. The information shared was practical, with real-life tips and challenges faced. I know this will help in growing the department as a whole. I would like more training opportunities because this has been very useful and has helped me to deal with different situations that I may face on the job.
Roderick Heath, ANU/IT, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked the practical and real-life approaches and examples presented to the participants, and us being able to interact with each other. Each participant was called upon and given a chance to make a contribution to the discussion.
The presenter is very knowledgeable on the subject matter and has an exemplary delivery style. I would like to recommend that duty managers and supervisors be exposed to this type of training.
Dominique Patterson, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
All subjects presented were related to my job as a manager. All levels of management should participate in similar courses and follow up courses should be done.
Mark Retemyer, Antigua Engineering, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
All parts of this workshop along with the tools provided was what I liked about this program. The examples given by the facilitator were interesting and informative.
Odile Jean-Marie, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
I liked the fact that the company took the time to furnish me with the tools to become a successful manager. I also appreciated the fact that it allowed me to take introspection of my managerial techniques and correct them to get a better outcome.
D. Edgehill, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
The instructor was very good at explaining the concepts, thus aligning them to real-life experiences/scenarios. The instructor was very knowledgeable enough to tie-in the subject to the airline industry.
N. Franklin, Traffic, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua
This course was very informative, and I learnt a lot.
The facilitator was very lively. It would be great if something similar could be put together for line staff as well.
Name Withheld, LIAT (1974) Ltd., Antigua