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CK 6728 Debt Collection Strategies for new and experienced collectors, credit administrators, back office staff, call center staff, and customer service reps of regional health and medical benefits schemes
Learning how to build a great customer service team was the most valuable part of the program for me. Most of the functions of being an invigilator involves daily interactions with customers. This program is very informative, for everyone who works in the field of debt collections. It will help me improve my understanding and efficiency to handle customers who engage in stalling and evasive tactics.
Also, the debt collection department in my organization is a relatively new. So, this training program will serve as a timely intervention, and morale booster for the team.
The instructor was very conversant with the training materials and very knowledgeable about the field and industry of debt collection. His delivery was clear, and his examples were relevant. I definitely would like to attend other training programs because of the instructor’s teaching style.
Dale F. Drew, Invigilator, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The overall program was of great value to everyone who was in attendance in this training course. The program will help me to improve an enhance my skills in customer service contact; my interpersonal skills; managing my accounts that are assigned to me, my letter writing and communication skills, and listening skills. The instructor was excellent!
Ordenlyn Glasford, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
There are many companies that are experiencing debt collection issues and their collectors need to be trained, and that’s why I would highly recommend this program to others in the field.
As a participant in this program, I hope to improve my effectiveness on the job and be better able to communicate effectively with my customers.
The facilitator did an excellent job in presenting the material. The instructor has a wealth of knowledge, and this showed based on the real-life examples he used to make the topics easily understandable for the participants.
Karen Harney, Invigilator, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The pre-call planning process was of most value to me because without planning, I would not be able to carry out my daily duties which is that of a debt collector. I would recommend this program to any organization because in today’s world, in order to be successful, businesses have to be at the top of their game. This program will improve my effectiveness because I am better able to see my weaknesses in my day-to-day work and how I handle some tasks.
This training program could not have come at a more opportune time, as it will serve to motivate each of us who attended this program.
The trainer’s teaching style was excellent. I found it to be very appropriate and relevant and I learned various methods and techniques that I can use.
Francine Henry, Senior Administrative Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
I would recommend this program to others as folks will learn a lot of information, especially how important it is to communicate with both internal and external customers.
Dawn Browne, Medical Benefits Scheme, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
I would recommend this course to others as it covers different tips, techniques and skill sets which is relevant to other departments within the organization, and at every level. This course will enhance my listening, as well as my customer service skills which is important for positive customer interactions.
The lecturer used many examples, to aided me to better understand the topics discussed.
Anthonette Christopher, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
Customer service and debt collections were the areas that were of most importance to me. I know it will help me to improve my effectiveness in helping customers in my everyday work in debt collections.
Desiree Jonas, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
This program was very in depth and opened my mind to areas that we have never dealt with in our organization. The information given to each of us will be implemented by management. I can foresee a great improvement in collections for our organization, I have learnt a lot, and in the meantime, we all will be able to improve our collections quota.
The instructor is very knowledgeable on the subject. His delivery/presentation style was excellent; and his language was easily followed and understood.
Deborah Lake, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The most important aspects of this course was learning about different concepts and strategies used in debt collections. For example, concepts of communication and its importance in the field, and compliance guidelines that we have to be knowledgeable about, as well as providing a framework for effective debt collections.
The program was very comprehensive, and the instructor was excellent!
Victor McKay, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
In this training program, I learnt strategies on how I can reduce delinquent accounts; various customer service etiquette and different techniques for making phone calls to delinquent customers. I will use my knowledge to become more relevant, and generally make an effort to improve on our customers’ expectations.
Auldith Matthew, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
I found the areas of telephone courtesy and other interpersonal skills interesting along with the stages of bankruptcy. The entire program was enlightening, and the information and knowledge that I gained was not only for office use but will be applied in my own personal career. I feel I will be more prepared to communicate with my debtors in a more personal way.
Where possible, I would like to attend other training being conducted by this instructor.
Clint N. Matthew, Invigilator, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
Every topic that was covered in this training program was of great importance to me. Everything that I learnt will be applied to my department/organization. Also, I have gained clarity on a number of aspects of collections, customer service, letter writing, and handling customers whether face-to-face or on the telephone. Applying these and other areas to my daily activities will improve my effectiveness and accuracy to complete my tasks. It will be easier for me to find solutions to problems as they arise in my department.
The instructor allowed staff members to feel comfortable, and to ask questions to which he gave excellent responses.
Trish Smith, Senior Clerk, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The customer service topics were of most value to me because this is the basis of my job functions. I encounter customers on a daily basis and by taking this course it will allow be to be effective. I have gained a wealth of knowledge about debt recovery, collections, customer service and various techniques which will benefit how I perform my assigned duties. Additionally, terms such as bankruptcy, amnesty, settlement, etc., were explained to us in a way that we could all relate to the concepts.
The instructor was enthusiastic and informative, so I wouldn’t mind attending other courses he presents.
Karen Williams, Invigilator, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The CK 6728 Debt Collection Strategies for new and experienced collectors, credit administrators, back office staff, call center staff, and customer service reps training program, was very much on target for me. It taught me how to be more customer friendly and how to answer customers inquiries with a more friendly way.
I wouldn’t mind taking additional courses taught by this instructor – he used plain English and made things easily understood.
Name Withheld, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda
The training program was informative.
Name Withheld, Debt Recovery, Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua & Barbuda