Cayman Islands News and Events
Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
This program is excellent! I learnt about all the new technologies that’s out there to assist organizations in being productive and efficient. I would recommend this program to others because it is vital and can improve one’s effectiveness.
Michael Gardener, Team Leader/Special Project Collector, Cayman Islands Health Services Authority, Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
I would recommend this program to others because it has improved my effectiveness as a collector. I learnt how to play many roles in the collection process. The instructor made the course very interesting and was very knowledgeable and informative.
Shiann Nalty, Credit/Debit Administrator, Cayman Islands Government– Treasury Department, Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
The new strategies and techniques learnt will enable me to effectively accomplish any target/goals given to me by my team leader. I would recommend this program to other collectors because it was very motivational and I was well informed of my roles as a collector.
Jairia Ramoon, Accountant/Debt Collector, Cayman Islands Government – Treasury Department, Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
The section on telephone communication was of most value to me, as it provided me with guidelines for productive calls and also gave unique strategies for productive outcomes. This program will improve my effectiveness by providing constructive and unique strategies for debt recovery and it has helped me to identify areas in which I need professional growth. The instructor is very vibrant and made everyone feel comfortable to contribute to discussions and question any area or strategy which needed clarification.
Georgina Williams, Debt Recovery Officer, Cayman Islands Government – Treasury Department, Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
I would recommend this program to others because it is very educating and informative. The points mentioned in the program are very effective and applicable. Exercising what was taught will definitely increase cash flow and reduce delinquency in my department.
Thoywell Facey, Debt Recovery Officer, Cayman Islands Government – Treasury Department, Cayman Islands
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies & Techniques
I’ve learnt that information on clients plays a big role in collecting revenue and that there are various sources to assist in locating clients. I would recommend this training to front-end departments because of the various steps and guidelines to becoming an effective debt collector that were introduced to me.
Noel Robinson, Debt Recovery Officer, Cayman Islands Government– Treasury Department, Cayman Islands