Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 600-Debt Collection Management
“This program has increased my knowledge base which will allow me to implement new ideas in my collection unit.”-Jeffrey Brown, Assistant Commissioner/Compliance, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 600-Debt Collection Management
“I would do further training with this instructor because he was able to capture and keep the group’s attention and made sure that we had a clear understanding about everything taught.”-Violet A. Maitland, Collector of Taxes-Compliance, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program to all collectors and managers because it is quite informative. I would attend further training because the trainer’s strategies are good and straight forward.”-Veronica Moss, Acting Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The part that was of most value to me would be the systematic approach to debt collection. I would recommend this program to others because it is comprehensive and applicable to situations and industries across the board.”-Cleonie McBean, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I think it is extremely important that every person in the area of collections be made aware of the principles and procedures offered in this course.”-Neville Mais, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Andrew, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program because it is both informative and educational. It helped to improve my overall outlook on debt collecting and gives me some new techniques and strategies to use.”-Wilfred Smith, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This program has equipped me with information to enhance my knowledge of debt collecting. I would attend
“This program makes you want to know more and more about how you can effectively increase the collection within one’s company or department. I would attend further training with this instructor, just name the time and place!”-Radcliffe Williams, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The trainer backs up his theory with practical illusions to effectively bring across his ideas. I recommend that all compliance officers be exposed to this training program.”-Enid Darien, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program because it is a thorough and detailed course that promises positive results if appropriately implemented.”-Robert Brown, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The part of the program of most value was the
“Seven Steps to a Collection Call”. Both the instructor’s teaching style and teaching methods were excellent and each topic was carried across clearly. The training overall was excellent.”-Derrick Walker, Tax Compliance Officer TA3, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program to others because it is very informative and practical. It has sharpened my communications skills and my approach to tax payers.”-Felleston Melwood, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Westmoreland, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The part of the program of most value was the Seven Steps to Collection .The instructor’s teaching methods were excellent. We need more like him in our schools and universities.”-Sharon Haynes, Compliance Manager, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This course is relevant and necessary for all agencies that deal with credit sales. It would improve their debt collection skills. The most valued part of the program was the Seven Steps to Collection.-Jullia Sharpe-Scott, Tax Compliance Officer TA2, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor is energetic and has a good grasp of the material presented.”-Samuel Ballentine, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would definitely attend further training with this instructor. He has vast amount of knowledge to be imparted for trainees to harness.”-McNeil Blair, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This program is an excellent tool which will help to make you a more rounded person in debt collection.”-Godfrey Skyers, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I recommend this program to all levels of top management who would in turn filter systems and procedures to lower level staff in order to operate a successful organization.”-Pauline Isaacs-Cone, Compliance Supervisor, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The emphasis on communication was of most value to me in that it helped me to understand that effective communication is crucial to my success.”-Harry Swire, Compliance Officer TA2, Inland Revenue Department, Port Antonio, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program to others because it is informative. The presentation was excellent and the presenter was very professional in his delivery.”-Jeffrey Brown, Assistant Commissioner/Compliance, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The most valued part of the program was the Pre-call Planning of a Collection Call. The overall course has shown me how important it is to do proper planning so as to make my work more effective.”-Kevin Kent, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program to others because it is a comprehensive overview which can enhance staff productivity.”-Earl Folkes, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Ann, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The part of the program talking about techniques and guidelines of communication and collection letters were of most value to me. This information will help to enhance my productivity and efficiency when I return to my department.”-Alithea Bryson-Schloss, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Montego Bay, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would attend further training with this instructor. He is an excellent trainer who is passionate about the topics, invites humor and encourages feedback.”-Courtney Johnson, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Catherine, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The teacher’s presentation and decorum was excellent. He carried his ideas across in a slightly different and complete light.”-Venessa Phillips, Manager Compliance, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s teaching methods were good. I would recommend this program to others because it is a comprehensive debt collection course that will help to improve their collections skills.”-Oral Thomas, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would attend further training with this instructor. He delivers his points well and he uses analogy to bring them out clearly.”-Sharon Williamson, Manager Compliance, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This program has opened my eyes to effective debt collection. It has motivated me to prioritize my functions within my department by stressing to taxpayers the importance of paying their debts.”-Suzette Simone Smith-Dunkley, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would certainly attend further training with this instructor because he makes sure that whatever is taught is clearly understood by his participants.”-Sophia Nembhard, Inland Revenue Department, Hanover, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would recommend this program because it was very informative and the instructor used examples that were easy to understand and pertained to every day life.”-Janice Allen, Compliance Officer Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s teaching style is excellent. He explains each topic which is taught thoroughly.”-Erica Burnett, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“After leaving this course, I will now have a thorough idea of how to deal with debtors on a level that builds rapport, foster good relationships and ensure payment.”-Avalyn K. Dixon, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“After this course, I am now more able to communicate more effectively using motivational and persuasive phrases to influence debtor responses.”-Angella Bryan, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Clarendon, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“I would do further training with this instructor because he keeps to a strict schedule and ensures that participants learn important features of what he presents.”-Harry Logan, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Thomas, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This program is a very good source of information and everyone who does debt collections can and will benefit from this course.”-Eugenie Milwood, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“All parts of this program were of value to me. Although I am not a manager, I will know what to expect from my managers and supervisors.”-Nicola Rodriques, Compliance Officer/TAII Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s style of delivering his presentation was very organized and informative. He was very enthusiastic about his job.”-Judith Roper, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Andrew, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor delivers the material professionally and has in depth knowledge of the subject matter.”-Joy Waysome, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“It was a very relevant program to assist individuals in proper procedures of debt collections.”-Lorna Johnson, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Manchester, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“As the instructor keeps you on your feet and awake, he makes sure whatever is taught is clearly understood by participants by making sure he backtracks and gets everyone involved.”-Doreen Walford, Tax Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, St. Ann, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“What was taught really helped me to improve my management skills.”-Keithburn Hinds, Collector of Compliance Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The program was very informative. It presented new and enlightening ways to debt collection that is beneficial to collection.”-Gerald Linton, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Lucea Hanover, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This is a very informative program. It helps me to be aware of the many ways I can improve my skills to make me a better officer.”-Denzie Farquharson, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Montego Bay, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The trainer’s style of reinforcing the material presented was great. He does effective backtracks on his presentation.”-Ruphia Wedderburn, Senior Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“This program will enhance the participant’s knowledge to carry out ones work effectively in using the various steps and methods taught in the course.-Lauraine Whyte-Higgins, Compliance Officer/TA2, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s enthusiastic approach to teaching complied with repetition of important facts lead to a great session.”-Phillip Campbell, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The trainer’s teaching methods were very clear. There were very little areas of uncertainty after a topic was presented.”-Trevor Herdsman, Collector or Taxes, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s teaching style to me was good. He is a good presenter and seems to know his work.”-Cammile Paul, Compliance Officer/TAII, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor’s teaching style is good as he teaches, reinforces, and backtracks to ensure that what he is implanting is well received.”-Jasmin Dixon, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
“I would recommend this training because it will enhance productivity and efficiency within an organization.”-Donna Dawkins, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Kingston, Jamaica
CK 700-Debt Collection Strategies and Techniques
“The instructor was well rounded and knows his lesson well. As a result, he did an excellent job at importing vital information relevant to our jobs.”-Norman Newell, Compliance Officer, Inland Revenue Department, Clarendon, Jamaica