Dominica News and Events
CK 5100 Performance Review and Job Evaluation Management
This performance review and job evaluation management training course was very well structured. The course provided me with valuable information that will serve me well in enhancing the efficiency of my workplace. The instructor has a passion for teaching, and did a wonderful job in helping participants understand their roles in the organization. I would like to attend other training courses in the future that are content-appropriate and applicable to my organization.
Fredericka Alexander-Durand, Human Resources Manager
Central Cooperative Credit Union Limited, St. George, Dominica
CK 5100 Performance Review and Job Evaluation Management
Coaching and mentoring, progressive discipline, succession planning, but most of all, the performance evaluation process, were areas of the workshop that were of tremendous value to me. The topics were very well explained by the instructor who made it easy for us to understand. These topics have reinforced my knowledge to better manage my department. Over all, this course was presented in a simple and straight-forward manner, and I will take my knowledge and train other supervisors in my company.
Eric Serrant, Human Resources Supervisor
Petro-Caribe (PDV Caribe), Dominica, Ltd., St. Paul, Dominica