Florida News and Events
CK 1400 Human Resources Management
This training program has been very beneficial to me personally. I would highly recommend the program to other human resources practitioners because people are our most valuable assets in the workplace. With changes happening in our world on a daily basis, persons need to be trained to deal with the myriad of issues as they arise in the workplace. I have enhanced my skills and even added new ones that will help me to be more effective in my role. There is a lot of useful information in the manual that will be applied to my organization.
The instructor’s teaching style or method of teaching was excellent! The training manual and videos shown were compliments to each other and made whatever explanation given, very clear. The instructor also used real life experiences which was a big plus!
Hyacinth D. Lindsey, Tax Information Exchange Officer, Montserrat Customs and Revenue Services Government of Montserrat
This program was quite effective, relevant, beneficial, informative, and covered all areas of human resources management, and the issues practitioners face in their daily activities on the job. Most of all, the program content was valuable to my personal development, for example, in the areas of employee bullying, performance appraisal, staff meetings, time management, delegation, conflict resolution, staff retention and succession planning. I now have a better understanding of the proper procedures to utilize, and to deal with these issues, that will improve my inefficiencies in the workplace. I have realized that some of the practices that I am using are not right and needs to change to ensure a productive workforce.
The instructor is an excellent one. Many of the examples and material that were given, ensured that we all understood the importance of applying proper human resources management policies.
Shirlian Queeley, Assistant Secretary, Government of Montserrat
This was an excellent training program that will help me to improve my time management skills. It will definitely enhance my effectiveness, as well as those of my employees. I also believe that for everyone who aspires to become a manager/supervisor, they should have the opportunity to attend this training program.
Dorette Cameron, Human Resources Manager (Acting), Montserrat Utilities Limited, Montserrat
The instructor was quite knowledgeable on the topic of human resources issues, and he used real-life incidents to get his points across to the participants. His teaching style was very practical and easy to understand. The teaching aides, such as videos shown were all adequate and necessary. I would definitely recommend this course, as anyone who takes this course will be better equipped to perform his or her duties as a manager or supervisor.
This course has sharpened my knowledge on the human resources matters, that I am hoping to introduce in my company. I will use the methods of learning and information-sharing with my staff, especially the management team that comprises managers and supervisors.
Julet Chiverton, Administration/Human Resources Nevis Cooperative Credit Union Ltd., Nevis
I view all aspects of this course equally valuable It just depends on what situation could arise, and then applying the relevant section(s) of the manual. The course was very valuable, informative, detailed and every practicing human resources personnel should be given the opportunity to take this course, as it could make a big difference in the workplace. Also, it will improve my effectiveness on my job responsibilities because knowledge is power. The knowledge that I gained will be useful in implementing some of the programs in my work teams.
E. Elreter Simpson-Browne, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Government of St. Kitts
Every topic that was explored in this training program presented was useful to me. Several tips can be used to improve current procedures at my workplace. The training was thought-provoking, and eye-opening, and gives not just textbook scenarios, but real-life examples.
Quite a few things that were discussed highlighted some short comings with my current operations. The training course offered suggestions, and guidelines on improving procedures and policies.
The instructor was engaging. He ensured we were understanding the many points which were cemented through the use of video presentations. His experience allowed him to give us real-life examples that brought to life the subject matter being discussed.
Giselle D. T. Solomon, Manager, Human Resources Unit, St. Kitts & Nevis National Bank Ltd., St. Kitts