Florida News and Events
CK 1400B Advanced Human Resources Management
The ability to communicate with people from all walks of life is very important, and the most effective way to assist employees in my organization. This course gave me a comprehensive review of the human resources practitioner’s responsibilities, which I can apply to both my personal and professional live. By utilizing the combination of time management practices and effective communication techniques, it will help me to implement and/or start the conversation to prepare for future and current incidents that occur or need to be addressed in the organization.
Dionne Francis, Executive Assistant
Kennedys Club Ltd., Antigua
This was very educational and informative training program that incorporated a lot of what I learnt on the job. I have come away with a lot of new knowledge regarding how and when I use the “memorandum of understanding, scheduling meetings with employees, the health and safety of the employees, and other personnel matters were of significance to me. The videos used in the training were very helpful to understand the topics discussed. I liked that at the end of each day we had to summarize what we had covered each day.
Denise Francis Shepard, Human Resources Manager
Kennedys Club Ltd., Antigua
This was a very interactive and informative training program that I enjoyed very much. I am glad that I had the opportunity to interact with other human resources practitioners who attended this training program. I found all aspects of the course invaluable since most of my human resources experience was primarily from on-the-job training and hands-on experience. I view this training program as an asset, which will set the parameters for me to operate from a practical viewpoint, as I feel very empowered and equipped to fulfill the role of human resources manager.
Finally, the instructor was very effective in using real-life situations, which helped to cement the principles in my mind.
Morolie Francis, Human Resources Supervisor
Antigua and Barbuda Social Security Board, Antigua
This human resources management training program was relevant and timely. I believe that this program would be beneficial to others in my organization who are unaware of their roles and responsibilities of their job in human resources. I see the need to manage and update our policies and procedures within our organization to ensure that employees are aware of them. I was truly enlightened and aware of how much human resources has advanced over the years.
The instructor’s illustrations and real-life examples of the subject matter was remarkable, and I definitely would like to attend more of these training programs in the future!
Brenda J. Lindsey, Assistant Secretary
Human Resources Management Unit, Government of Montserrat, Montserrat
The legal aspects of human resources, the human resources manpower audit, strategic management and planning, the roles and responsibilities of the human resources practitioners, the recruitment and selection process, termination procedures, sexual harassment, crisis management, and others, were all topics of importance to me. This program will improve my effectiveness based on what I have learnt and will help me to see issues in a new light.
I can proudly say I left this training being very sure of the career path I would like to take in becoming a human resources manager. I will take the knowledge I have gained and share it with others to do the same, i.e., follow human resources policies, stating facts, keeping important records, being respectful to others, time management planning, the importance of performance reviews, implementing the Incident Diary, organize productive meetings, mentoring and coaching, and other topics that were covered.
The instructor’s teaching style kept each participant engaged and involved at all times. Most of all, the instructor really ensured that no stones were left unturned, and that each participant got his/her money’s worth!
This was a well-organized and well-presented workshop!
Naseeka Rogers, Senior Clerical Officer
Human Resources Management Unit, Government of Montserrat, Montserrat
The entire training program was very refreshing. After my attendance in this program I can see the importance of human resources role within the organization. The instructor presentation of the subject matter made it easy for the participants to understand.
Edelmiro Jansen, Director
St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation, St. Maarten