Florida News and Events
CK 6140 Leadership and Communication Management Training for Law
Enforcement Officers
This training was an excellent one because of its comprehensiveness, and due to the many ways the information was presented. It touched on several areas I have encountered as a manager. The training has provided me with direct and clear resolutions. I have already started to plan how I will be using some of the different approaches to managing my employees, as well as to expedite conflict resolutions. I liked the use of visual aids which helped to clarify and enlighten me as well.
Mark McCalla, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The instructor was excellent – being very articulate and very easy to understand. After this training, I feel I will be better able to resolve matters more judiciously, focus more on team work amongst my staff, and improving my communication skills both orally and in writing.
Adrian Knowles, Police Inspector, Royal Bahamas Police, Bahamas