Saint Lucia News and Events
Saint Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
The program was very comprehensive and valuable. I definitely think it would be of great benefit to other supervisors.
Victorin Ghirawoo, Technical Supervisor, St. Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority, St. Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
Management theories were the most valuable part of the program for me. My ability to manage staff has improved which will ultimately improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. The instructor has excellent knowledge of the subject matter!
Martin President, Ports Police Inspector, St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority, St. Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
This program is relevant to the working environment. If I am able to effectively put into practice what I have learnt, it will make a major difference in my production.
Anslem Johannes, Air Traffic Control Officer II, St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority, St.Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
The training was thought provoking, practical, and real every day life in-your-face issues. The instructor was excellent in delivery and ensured that all participants contributed and commented on all matters.
Mark Gustave, Assistant Airport Manager, St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority, St. Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
This program has improved my weaknesses and shortfalls. I think all supervisors should be given the opportunity to attend this program.
Sheldon Theobalds, Civil Works Superintendent, St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority, St. Lucia
Airport and Seaport Supervisory Management
Every aspect of the program was valuable in that it added to my knowledge. However, the incident diary and knowledge of the collective bargaining agreement will definitely improve my effectiveness on the job. The instructors’ teaching method was very practical and ensured that the concepts were understood.
Grace Herman, Research & Statistical Officer, St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority, St. Lucia