St. Kitts & Nevis News and Events
CK 4000 Disaster-Preparedness Management
This global warning and climate change program left me with a better understanding of what this all means in a disaster-filled world and the measures that can be put into place to mitigate the full impact in the event of crises. I would recommend and suggest that your organization reach out to other firms and government entities regarding the knowledge one could gain by attending this course. The research done by your company was very intensive and clearly thought-out. It stretched my mind to really see the bigger picture when one may be faced with a disaster/crisis. With the knowledge that was imparted, I am now able to look at what we have in place in my own organization, then modify and update the bank’s policies and procedures regarding safety and engage others as necessary to deal with emergencies. The training was practical and informative. The outlined steps and processes will be implemented as they are of great value to me.
The program facilitator’s style is second to none, he was very engaging and kept all participants interested in the course. Further, he knows his material, which gives him that edge to be able to explain and reach all the participants!
Sandra P Richardson, Compliance Officer
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank, Basseterre, St. Kitts
The training in the different natural disaster areas were very informative and of equal importance to me. However, what came to the fore for me was leadership, which aligns with my career path as a general manager. As a matter of fact, I have already spoken with five business ministries in St. Kitts, who I think could benefit from this training program.
The facilitator was excellent, engaging, and passionate about the subject matter. He has a sound knowledge of the subject matter, and his presentations are excellent, especially with the inclusion of the videos. Another important point is that after each session there was a discussion on the day’s topics so that whatever wasn’t clear then, could be understood. Everyone had a change to express him/herself and the instructor was able to answer all questions raised by the participants.
Finally, the compilation of the manual given to us is a big plus that speaks volumes of the quality of training we received. I can use this manual as a reference whenever I need it.
Elreter Simpson-Browne, Director
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank, Basseterre, St. Kitts
The topics that dealt with the various disasters and their responses were very important to me because they helped me to identify the gaps that needs to be filled within my own organization. The research done by the facilitator was extensive, and as a result, the content in the course can be used as a reliable guide to complete disaster-preparedness management within any organization. The program will assist my team and me to improve and update our disaster and recovery plans.
The examples given by the instructor was very effective in bringing a boring topic to life with the main examples provided. So, based on these reasons, I wouldn’t mind attending other training programs.
June O’Brien, Executive Manager
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank, Basseterre, St. Kitts
What I learned that was of most importance to me was how to prepare for disasters, the safety and the welfare of the employees and clients, before, during and after a disaster. Due to this comprehensive training program, my planning, leadership and implementation will be enhanced.
Also, this training program is timely and should be presented in various islands across the Caribbean. The instructor is very knowledgeable, and it is obvious that he takes time to prepare for the training. He gives instructions clearly and his presentations are easily understood.
Pansyna Bailey, Chief Human Resources Officer
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank, Basseterre, St. Kitts
This course will prepare everyone to deal with disasters before, during and after an occurrence. So, the entire program was very valuable to me. The subjects covered in this disaster-preparedness training program is very comprehensive and all aspects were very critically important!
The presentation was excellent, never boring and very practical. The instructor used clear and simple language that was easily understood by the participants.
Oflyn Rogers, Technical Manager
National Housing Corporation, Basseterre, St. Kitts
I particularly liked one video that dealt with the impact of climate change, and its impact and devastation on people, places and things. This program gave me an in-depth exposure on our economy in the Caribbean. It not only highlighted the importance of safety and preparation, but it dealt with plans that needs to be implemented before, during, and after, a disaster. As a result, my eyes have been opened to lots of issues that when taken for granted, can be impactful. By my attendance at this seminar, I am better positioned to advise my management about global warming and its effects.
The instructor encouraged class participation at every level. We were all able to express our experiences and provided some solutions that participants may use in their own places of employment. I enjoyed the interaction and the knowledge displayed by both instructor and participants alike.
Kervin Freeman, Safety Officer
St. Christopher Air & Seaports Authority (SCASPA), Basseterre, St. Kitts