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St. Kitts
CK 700 – Effective Debt Collection Strategies for New and Experienced Collectors, Credit Administrators, Customer Service and Sales Representatives (In Private and Public Sector Corporations, as well as Financial Institutions)
I learned several important lessons after attending this Debt Collection training course. First, the course opened my eyes to the importance of the steps to use in revenue collections. Second, I feel equipped to deal with taxpayers more effectively and efficiently. Third, and finally, I learned the usefulness of a good debt collections software as mentioned by the instructor. I liked that the instructor was attentive to every participants’ need, thus making a difficult subject being taught in a simple and straightforward manner.
Shirika Liburd, Collection Officer, Inland Revenue DepartmentCharlestown, Nevis
Most of the techniques I learnt were new to me, and overall, the training was exceptional. This program will go a long way to help me to improve the overall structure within my collection unit, and to comprehensively complement my collectors. I have benefitted immensely and am better prepared to implement many of the ideas presented by the instructor. The instructor was very expressive, and informative. I really learned a lot after attending this course.
Constance Herbert, Tax Officer, Inland Revenue Department Charlestown, Nevis