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St. Kitts
CK 1400B Advanced Human Resources Management
The performance review and leadership segments were the topics that I most enjoyed. The information presented will add value to any organization and increase the effectiveness of the human resources department.
I left with a clearer and greater understanding of the human resources function due to the instructor’s teaching style, which made the presentation very interesting. Every topic was clearly presented by the instructor who made learning seemingly easy. The facilitator’s style is very commendable.
Pansyna Bailey, Chief Human Resources Officer, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Ltd., Basseterre, St. Kitts
The course itself was very informative and very well presented. I was most interested in the leadership portion of the training, which tied in neatly with the direction of my career path. As a matter of fact, the topics covered were of importance, and all were valuable to me. What stood out to me was the quality and the comprehensiveness of the manual that we were given. Participants will be able to refer to the manual as needed, and to any topic that may arise. The videos that were shown provided a general overview of the topics that were discussed. Adding the videos to augment the lecture is a brilliant idea! The instructor ensured that all concepts were understood.
The instructor was very knowledgeable, positive, engaging, and the explanations he provided were clearly communicated. I would also like to mention the professionalism, approach, demeanor, appearance, and most of all, the level of respect that was shown to each participant. All these attributes speak volume of the person!
Elreter E. Simpson-Browne, Director/Chair, Human Resources Committee, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Ltd.,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Almost every area of this training was of importance to me, example: staff orientation, staff welfare, and sexual harassment compliance procedures.
Desiree Inniss, Acting HR Manager
St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports (SCASPA). Basseterre, St. Kitts
Employee welfare was of the most importance to me in this human resources management course. When employees are aware that the organization has his/her best interest at heart, they are more apt to be more productive, and morale will increase. Also, the content of this program is extremely useful for anyone who is in a leadership/management position, or aspiring to become a leader. As an aspiring human resources manager, the knowledge I gain will enable me to position myself in the role ahead as a human resources manager.
Denise R. Christopher, Administrative Assistant
St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports (SCASPA). Basseterre, St. Kitts
I definitely found this program to be invaluable! I would recommend the course as it was not only informative, but instructional, and will be of great help to me. A lot of information, that in my opinion was well worth the price. The experience and knowledge gained is very applicable to my role in human resources.
Akissa Hanley, Human Resources Assistant
Ocean Terrace Hotel, Fortlands, St. Kitts